Friday, August 30, 2013


Student grades in visual art are NOT based on innate talent, but rather on an objective scale focused on recall of learned information, effort put forth, and engagement in learning.

DAILY PARTICIPATION (30% of total grade)

Students receive ten participation points each class day by simply being prepared, attentive, engaged, and respectful of their work, materials, teacher, and classmates. These points are automatically added each day and will only be deducted should students fail to do what they are expected to do. Ways to lose points include (but are not limited to):
-          Talking while the teacher is talking
-          Unnecessarily being out of seat or sitting in an unassigned seat
-          Misuse or theft of art materials
-          Non-constructive criticism of classmate work
-          Poor overall use of class time / no progress made

ASSIGNMENTS (10% of total grade)

Students will periodically be assigned in-class assignments meant to supplement our daily activities and goals. These assignments may include worksheets, group quizzes, game score cards, small drawing exercises, etc. The easiest way to lose points on assignments is by turning in unfinished or careless work.

PROJECTS (60% of total grade)

The vast majority of the visual art grade will be based on successful student completion of culminating unit PROJECTS (typically 3-4 per quarter). These projects vary in objectives, materials used, time frame, and scale. Students will receive a rubric explanation for all project grades received.


Student work that is not signed with first and last name or not properly turned in as instructed will be assumed incomplete and be entered as a 0%. Students that struggle to complete projects due to chronic absence will be expected to provide proper evidence for absences or make up missing work outside of class.

"Balloon Dog (Green)" by Jeff Koons

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