Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Some of the best results in art happen when we as artist give up some creative control and let nature and time decide what our art will become. See some of these terrific, unpredictable works of art below...

**NOTE: The fire ants killed in this process are a dangerous invasive species and would need to be killed one way or another - the normal ants we have here are no danger to anyone and an important part of our ecosystem.

Some "painters" (above: Italian artist Salvatore Raimondo) rely on simply submerging their canvas into waters rich in minerals, bacteria, etc. to create abstract works of art

Some "drawers" (above: UK artist Tim Knowles) allow the wind swept branches of a tree to hold their pencils and make their marks - while the results may not look like "anything", the drawing represents the passage of time in a totally unique way

How might you use a natural process to make an unpredictable work of abstract art? Think about your surroundings and how they change according to the time or day or season.



Food for thought from famous street (graffiti) artist Banksy...

"Outside is where art should live, among us, and rather than street art being a fad, maybe it’s the last 1,000 years of art history are a blip, when art came inside in service of the church and institutions.
But art’s rightful place is on the cave-walls of our communities, where it can act as a ‘public service’: provoke debate, voice concerns, forge identities.
The world we live in today is run by, visually at least, traffic signs, billboards, and planning committees. Is that it? Don’t we want to live in a world made of art, not just decorated by it?"
Will you continue to allow museums, galleries, and advertisers to "own" the art that defines our generation or will you do something to take it back?

Friday, December 13, 2013

GRADES 6-8: CHECK OUT SOME OF THE FANTASTIC CLASSES OFFERED BY THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO - Be prepared for high school art programs and spend some quality time with the many masterpieces of the Institute.

**Tuition is affordable for all students thanks to low prices and financial assistance!**

Sunday, November 17, 2013

For learning valuable artistic/technological solutions to the fabrication and manufacturing jobs of today and tomorrow. The MakerBot Replicator 2 3-D printer allows students to design and print any small-scale form out of plastic. Lee's students deserve to keep up with the most advanced technology available.

 Donate to our DonorsChoose page today to help us reach our goal. Please use the promo code "INSPIRE" at checkout to have your donation matched by DonorsChoose. Even the smallest donation helps!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

WE HAVE A WINNER!!! The results of the school-wide vote were SO close that we had to combine some of the best aspects of the top lions into one hybrid design. Our 7th grade contributors were Jesus Contreras, Lorenzo Rivera, Itzely Candelario, Sebastian Osorio, Julian Fernandez, and Crystal Andrade. The font that had the most votes was from 8th grader Sergio Matias. Shirts will be available in a variety of colors, sizes, and styles. Thank you to everyone who voted and submitted entries!